pure. fucking. insanity.
i like how this episode just went batshit crazy
everything’s anarchy lmao
this episode was insane holy.
they made the stupid little friendship between deimos and sanford was great, even with the little mask gag they did this episode, but this episode was so damn depressing. seeing hanks corpse just straight up get carried the entire way, deimos getting shot last second and being used as a meat shield later.
undead hank is fucking rad tho
jesus had enough of everyone’s shit
pretty good one! the hook is wonderful.
fucking love this one, the clown chase was amazing and the chainsaw is still one of the coolest fucking weapons in the series.
that and god absolutely murdering hank was cool.
i felt like this one gave a lot more story to the characters instead of just mindless killing. but it still has all the parts that makes madness such a badass franchise. love the duo lmao
everything in this just pukes late 2000’s
i love it
there will be art here at times!!
i go by otuff on all the mediasss
whatever brah
Joined on 2/22/21